Gamer Girl Gets Thin

{November 23, 2010}   May the Force be with Katie!

This post is absolutely overdue. I should have written it last week when the story really hit; I’m sure that it’s old news to everyone on the internet. But, it all touched my heart so much that even now, days after first hearing about it, I get all teary.

This darling first-grader, Katie, has been getting bullied at school for her love of Star Wars. When she took a Star Wars water bottle to school, the boys in her class told her that Star Wars was only for boys. Her mom took to her blog to talk about the bullying Katie was enduring and how heartbreaking it is, especially for something that shouldn’t be gender specific at all!

So, The Internet, in all of it’s wonderful love, rose up and poured in support for Katie. Thousands of comments on her mom’s post and a twitter hashtag #MayTheForceBeWithKatie! I love it!

All of this makes me love The Internet so much. To see so much kindness and love poured out on this little girl; it’s incredible.

And really, as a good geek girl, who would I be if I didn’t just throw in- I’m with Katie, Star Wars is THE BEST!

Here’s a video interview with Katie and her mom. She’s so cute! Look at those adorable missing teeth!


I hope your Thanksgiving week is full of love and kindness. I’m so grateful for the people in my life that love me, for the friends and family we have and, of course, for DH always loving me and putting up with my spinning in bed. And right now, I’m tearily (I just made that word up) so moved by and grateful for all of the people on the internet who loved this little girl enough to support her. It’s just beautiful!

(I’m such a sap.)

et cetera